13 research outputs found

    Optimization Of Frequency Filtering In Random Access Jpeg Library

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    In the paper we present a method of direct access to single blocks of JPEG files whichcontain textures, with on-the-fly decompression. Anisotropic, adaptive filtering is applied inorder to minimize visual defects appearing mainly on blocks borders. Main purpose of themethod is to enable fast extraction of only these parts of an entire image which are currentlyneeded and not to keep whole decompressed texture in the main memory. This approachenables effective usage of high quality textures with low memory consumption. It’s benefitsare mainly demonstrated in rendering complex 3D scenes using nondeterministic ray-tracingalgorithm. The algorithms have been encapsulated into DLL and static library


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    The paper presents a simulation and rendering model of three dimensional covective cloud evolution. The model is physically based, however its purpose is graphical. The main stress is put on balancing two parts of a model: the atmsphere simulation with convective motion of air and water vapor combined with rendering of semi-transparent and light-scattering clouds, in order to achieve realistic animation in real-time. We examine and compare two algorithmic approaches based on CPU and GPU computations

    New model of convection based on particle approach

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    A new model for thermal convection simulations using molecular dynamics (MD) approach is reported briefly. Preliminary results are presented. Development of the method is discussed in short

    High performance simulation of thermal convection using quasi-particle approach (Poster)

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    . A new model for thermal convection simulations using molecular dynamics (MD) approach is reported briefly. Preliminary results are presented. Development of the method is discussed shortly 1 Introduction Rapid increase of computational power considerabely increased the size of simulated systems [1] and enlarged the area of MD applications. Among important directions of development are non-equilibrium simulations of microhydrodynamic phenomena, especially when instabilities and non-linearity occur. Simulation of convection is one of them and there have been attempts to investigate it via MD several years ago [2]. Qualitative similarity of microscopic results to those in macroscale, encourages to build macroscopic models based on particle approach [3]. Large computational power needed for this class of simulations and high efficiency of parallel MD algorithms make this approach ideal for high performance computing. Calculations for the presented work have been performed on different c..

    An improved technique for full spectral rendering

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    In this paper we present an improved approach to full spectral rendering. The technique is optimized for quasi-Monte Carlo ray tracing, however the underlying physical theory can be applied to any global illumination scheme. We start with explanation of the necessity of full spectral rendering in any correct global illumination system. Then we present, step by step, a rendering scheme using full spectrum simulation. First, we give details on a random point sampling as a method of representing spectra, then we introduce improved spectral sampling technique, designed to reduce variance of image of wavelength dependent phenomena, and finally we show how to integrate the novel sampling technique with selected ray tracing algorithms

    Interactive Ray Tracing Client

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    In this paper we present an interactive GPU-based, GUI client, working with rendering server employing ray tracing based global illumination. The client is designed to guarantee interactivity (namely 1/60sec response time) no matter how slow the rendering server is. The client dynamically adjusts image resolution to match the server performance and complexity of the rendered scene. When the scene is modified, the image may appear out of focus and noisy, depending on the machine computational power, but usually is readable. With no interrupt from the client, the image is progressively improved with new data from the server. The system expliots hybrid programming model – CPU for the server and GPU for the client

    GPU bucket sort algorithm with applications to nearest-neighbour search

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    We present an adoption of the bucket sort algorithm capable of running entirely on GPU architecture. Our implementation employs render-to-texture to enable scatter operation. Linked lists of elements in each bucket are build and stored directly in video memory. We show also the use of this sorting method in a particle-based simulation. Dissipative Particle Dynamics is the physical model of choice; the simulation is performed entirely on the graphics hardware. GPU bucket sorting is used to build nearest-neighbour maps on a regular cell-grid which are the input of interparticle interaction computation. Finally we implement a simple random-number generator which is required by the DPD method

    Real-time mesh extraction of dynamic volume data using GPU

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    In the paper an algorithm of triangle mesh generation for a full three-dimensional volumetric data is presented. Calculations are performed in real time using graphics processors. The method is very well suited for the visu- alization of dynamic data, as the calculations use only the current frame data (not including data from previous frames). Due to high performance of the algorithm, it can be practically applied in programs for digital sculpting, simulators and games which require editable geometries

    Computational molecular dynamics at the

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    fluid-dynamical phenomena modeled by large-scal